Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Organization can get you moving forward.

Real Estate Professionals
(720) 370-7404

Below you will see a short list of tips about ORGANIZATION. Choose a higher standard for yourself and you will achieve your goals.

1. Immediately annotate important dates physically and electronically as you learn about them throughout your day. Create a system to write things down in a planner, and annotate important dates in your cell phone or favorite electronic device.

2. Create a habit to check social media ONLY at certain times in the day. Most people are not capable of being on social media longer that 2 minutes without drifting off into watching videos of kitties and babies. Be aware of what you are doing with your time.

3. Physical papers vs. Digital files. Sometimes we need both. Keep your digital files off of your desktop, name all folders properly, ensure to back up all digital files, and never send anything unsecured without checking with the receiver first. Filing cabinet with properly named folders for physical files can be used.

4. NO Clutter. Get rid of everything that takes up space in your work area. If you do not regularly use it, bye bye. Focus on keeping only the items around you that will help you achieve your goals.

5. DAILY lists must be created.... the night before. Try not to go to bed without creating a game plan for your next day. If you had some items on your list that you did not get done today, just transfer to tomorrow. You'll soon start to see what's really important.

Are you buying a home?
Are you selling a home?
Are you looking for a career in Real Estate?
Are you already a Real Estate agent or broker?

If you answered YES to any of the 4 questions above, then this list is for you.

Call or email us with any of your questions please:
(720) 370-7404

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